Mesh bag Girplus International

Mesh bag Girplus International

Category: Product ID: 2213



Chestnuts and marrons present dietetic and nutritional properties that are quickly assimilated by the human organism. As these fruits are rich on starches and complex sugars, they are particularly suitable for adolescent diets, athletes and people that are into sports.
The large quantity of mineral salts, like phosphorus and magnesium, satisfy all natural needs of oligoelements, fundamental for our body wellness. In particular, marrons and chestnuts are extremely dense with potassium (a fundamental substance for a good shape of the cadiovascular and neuromuscolar apparatus). Potassium is also able to increase stress resistance and human working skills.
It’s important to remember that chestnuts cultivation is not subjected to chemical treatment, therefore the product is completely natural.

NET WEIGHT guaranteed per package SIZE MAX WEIGHT x PALLET
Packages from kg.0,3 to kg. 30 45 to 125 fruits x kg. kg. 1.200

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