The genuine fruits of our land


Agrisanterno and Apo Conerpo, synergy in the name of excellence

The managers of the main European fruit and vegetable OP met the leaders of the Romagna cooperative. Objective: to develop new research, communication and enhancement projects for the members’ product. Starting with a true excellence: chestnuts and marrons. Meet and discuss, plan and work together for the future with the clear objective of enhancing the products of the members but also…

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Mario Marino is the new director of Agrimola

A new professional has joined Agrimola. After years of experience as chief operating officer, engineer and production programmer for companies such as Cirio/Polenghi/De Rica, Del Monte, Star Alimentare, F.lli De Cecco, Coca Cola, Mario Marino is now the executive director at Agrimola, a European company that processes and commercializes chestnuts, boasting a percentage of exports of over 40%. The facility in…

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New investments to “guarantee a higher quality standard”

A technological evolution program developed in 2021 and under construction in this 2022 sees Agrimola spa engaged. “The goal – explains the CEO of the company Luca Sassi – is to ensure a higher quality standard of the fruit produced by the company”. A quality standard that can guarantee customers a product that is easier to work with and with…

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The President of Coop Suisse Group visits Agrimola

Group Agrimola, run by CEO Luca Sassi, established its future development focusing on technological innovation and the human factor. He has put together a team of well bonded co-workers, managing workloads of about 40,000 tons of fresh fruit, chestnuts and marrons, even processing them into frozen, aseptic and dried products. Group Agrimola’s average yearly revenue settles around 50,000,000€ with an…

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New chestnut consultant for southern Italy

Agrimola, a company based in Romagna specializing in chestnut cultivation, strengthened its position in southern Italy thanks to a consultancy agreement with the expert Giovanni Santantonio, producer and member of the Monte Santa Croce cooperative based in Roccamonfina (Caserta). “I am pleased with this agreement, because I believe Agrimola is the leading company in the chestnut segment, not just on…

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Agrimola s.p.a © 2024. All rights reserved. - Via G. di Vittorio n. 30 40020 - Casalfiumanese (BO)
Phone +39 0542 666072 Fax. +39 0542 666770
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