Among the agri-food companies that have continued to work even during the Covid emergency is Agrimola, specialized in the production of semi-finished and frozen fruit for the food industries and in the processing, transformation and marketing of chestnuts and marrons.
«We never stopped – says Luca Sassi, CEO of the Casalfiumanese company -. We did not resort to layoffs, but some backlog of holidays were used. When the work has dropped a little, but not that much, we have tried to carry on, for example, with some processing of frozen products. Furthermore, we have anticipated sanitization and maintenance». At the moment there are between 80 and 100 employees in the company, but during the year, during peak periods, the number also rises to over 200.
«Immediately – continues Sassi – we adopted the use of thermometers to control the temperature of employees upon entering the company. Well before the lockdown, we also implemented an information system aimed at families, suggesting workers to stay in their family, not to go to areas at risk and to maintain only essential contacts».

Agrimola s.p.a © 2024. All rights reserved. - Via G. di Vittorio n. 30 40020 - Casalfiumanese (BO)
Tel. +39 0542 666072 Fax. +39 0542 666770
P.IVA 00540881208 - Nr. iscrizione REA BO 01242890372 - Capitale sociale i.v. € 1.240.000,00
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