I frutti genuini della nostra terra


Ingredients for 6 people:
500 grams of fresh chestnuts, a glass of milk, 5 tablespoons of sugar, 0,500 l. of chantilly, vanillin (optional).

Peel the chestnuts and boil them; When cooked, remove the skin, put them in a saucepan, cover with milk and put it back on the fire, adding a pinch of vanilla to taste. Crush the chestnuts with a wooden spoon; once obtained a smooth and firm puree, add the sugar powder. Put a few tablespoons of puree in the potato masher to get small worm-shaped pieces. When you get a decent amount, put them, detaching them with the tip of a knife, in the plate trying to arrange them in conical form. Cover the vermicelli cone with chantilly, and with a knife blade arrange it around the cake, giving the latter the appearance of a mountain covered with snow.

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